Ultra Geile Studenten Benutzer Oberfläche (UGSBO)
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Christian Baltzer ebbd827727 'README.md' ändern 5 years ago
AbsoluteValueOfComplexNumbersTest.java removed a typo and added documentation to the absoluteValueOf function 5 years ago
AddComplexNumbersTest.java Changed AddComplexNumberTest to use hamcrest assertThat instead of assertTrue 5 years ago
DivideComplexNumbersTest.java changed division test to use hamcrest assertThat instead of assertTrue 5 years ago
EqualsComplexNumbersTest.java fixed a Typo in the EqualsComplexNumversTest class to EqualsComplexNumbersTest class 5 years ago
MultiplyComplexNumbersTest.java changed mutipication tests to use hamcrest asserThat instead of assertTrue 5 years ago
SubstractComplexNumbersTest.java changed SubstrationTests to use hamcrest assertThat instead of assertTrue 5 years ago
conjugationOfComplexNumbersTest.java changed tests for the conjugation of conplex numbers to use hamcrest asserrThat 5 years ago