You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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419 B

6 years ago
  1. all: solution exercise
  2. solution:
  3. - cp gsd-questions.tex gsd-questions-solution.tex && pdflatex '\def\loesung{} \input{gsd-questions-solution}' && rm gsd-questions-solution.tex
  4. exercise:
  5. - pdflatex gsd-questions
  6. clean:
  7. rm -rf gsd-questions.aux gsd-questions.log gsd-questions.out gsd-questions.pdf
  8. rm -rf gsd-questions-solution.aux gsd-questions-solution.log gsd-questions-solution.out gsd-questions-solution.pdf