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3 years ago
3 years ago
  1. # ---> Eclipse
  2. .metadata
  3. bin/
  4. tmp/
  5. *.tmp
  6. *.bak
  7. *.swp
  8. *~.nib
  10. .settings/
  11. .loadpath
  12. .recommenders
  13. # External tool builders
  14. .externalToolBuilders/
  15. # Locally stored "Eclipse launch configurations"
  16. *.launch
  17. # PyDev specific (Python IDE for Eclipse)
  18. *.pydevproject
  19. # CDT-specific (C/C++ Development Tooling)
  20. .cproject
  21. # CDT- autotools
  22. .autotools
  23. # Java annotation processor (APT)
  24. .factorypath
  25. # PDT-specific (PHP Development Tools)
  26. .buildpath
  27. # sbteclipse plugin
  28. .target
  29. # Tern plugin
  30. .tern-project
  31. # TeXlipse plugin
  32. .texlipse
  33. # STS (Spring Tool Suite)
  34. .springBeans
  35. # Code Recommenders
  36. .recommenders/
  37. # Annotation Processing
  38. .apt_generated/
  39. .apt_generated_test/
  40. # Scala IDE specific (Scala & Java development for Eclipse)
  41. .cache-main
  42. .scala_dependencies
  43. .worksheet
  44. # Uncomment this line if you wish to ignore the project description file.
  45. # Typically, this file would be tracked if it contains build/dependency configurations:
  46. #.project
  47. /target/